
weed tea

How to Make Weed Tea: 4 Recipes

Weed tea is a lovely, delicious alternative to smoking and vaping and offers a different kind of experience than eating edibles. And if you’ve ever wanted to learn how to make weed tea, you’ve come to the right place. We created a step-by-step guide to brewing the best buds and we even included a few …

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Reproductive Rights are Human Rights

Here at Old Pal, we believe in the power of community and doing the little things to take care of each other. It’s about lifting each other up, sharing high-minded ideas, and supporting all our fellow humans whenever and wherever possible. As a brand, we take great pride in the foundations we’ve created, continually striving to better ourselves and grow as a beacon of positivity, good vibes, and progressive ideas.

History of Blunts

A quick hit on the past, present, and future of this stoner’s delight.

Pot Sounds: Riding Easy Records

Stoner Rock started in the early 70s but the name “stoner rock” didn’t really come about until the 90s. Here’s a collection of stoner rock from around the globe, spanning 1970 to current day. Most of these bands are still active and touring, so go follow them, roll up a fatty and make sure to check them when they’re in town.

Highly Recommended Pot Sounds: Jocelyn Romo

A smoke-filled room and the soft sounds of languid funk, seductive soft rock, and smoldering AOR float through the air, the sultry voices of these 70’s ladies carrying you into the quiet hours. Light up this mellow blend and drift away.

Music’s Mary Jane Moments

There’s no debating that music and Merry Jane sing a similar tune; in fact, most genres wouldn’t even exist without some high-minded band members sparking up a doob before jamming in the studio or curing their stage fright with a little smokeable courage.